Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Grreat News from the Art Show at the Dog Show!

Some grreat news to share! I found out today that my "WBRK Westie Radio," painting above won for Best Entry Depicting a Dog From the Terrier Group at the 2010 Art Show at the Dog Show! This piece may still be available for purchase by contacting the Art Show office. It is 11"x14", framed oil on canvas panel, $425. I also have prints available of this piece in my store on etsy. If you are looking to have a portrait done of your precious pup, feel free to contact me or visit my website at Studio Lara, or my blog: Painting a Pup a Day.
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  1. Congrats! That is so awesome:0

  2. Hi Lara, thanks for visiting my blog. I agree, my dog looks exactly like yours. She's a rescue pup and they said Australian mix. I was so excited when I saw your blog.

  3. Lara this is great news! I can see why they loved it - you nailed the color, texture, light. It's beautiful! :)
